I spoke to Boaz in his small kibbutz bedroom a few years ago in the south of Israel. Originally from Beer'sheva, Boaz has traveled the world since finishing his army service. It has been years since I've seen him, but always remember his big smile, easygoing attitude, and love for both Israeli foods and cooking over fire.
I spoke to Boaz in his small kibbutz bedroom a few years ago in the south of Israel. Originally from Beer'sheva, Boaz has traveled the world since finishing his army service. It has been years since I've seen him, but always remember his big smile, easygoing attitude, and love for both Israeli foods and cooking over fire.
Patchwork Tablecloth: What's your favourite food?
Boaz: Chicken wings over fire. Matfuna; tinfoil
with entire chicken, spices, beer, honey and chiles. Wrap it up foil and put on
charcoals for an hour and 20 minutes.
PT: What do you like to cook?
B: Poike. Cook on fire in a cast-iron pot. Vegetables,
anything in a pot and cook for 2 hours.
PT: What is your favourite holiday? How do you celebrate?
B: Purim. Drink wine and feast!
PT: What are your favourite fruits and vegetables?
B: Onion, avocado, tomatoes. Pittaya (cactus pear), dates, apples. Truthfully,
when you eat an apple, it’s the best feeling.
PT: What did you eat as a little boy?
B: Chocolate. I was not picky.
Elite chocolate is one of the more popular Israeli brands. They have lots of interesting flavours, including my favourite; pop rocks!
PT: Do you dislike any food?
B: Seafood; calamari, etc. But I love sushi.
PT: What are some popular foods in Israel?
B: Shnitzel, couscous, falafel, Bamba, Bissli. Shawarma is
number one.
Clockwise, from left: challah, tahina sauce, Bamba, Bissli, hummus, and Bissli coated schnitzel.

Clockwise, from left: challah, tahina sauce, Bamba, Bissli, hummus, and Bissli coated schnitzel.
PT: What do you keep in your fridge?
B: Hummus, pita, tahina, tomatoes, onions, salad, a big chunk of meat, soy beans, leftovers, beer, good cakes, and sauces.
PT: What do you normally eat for breakfast?
B: Good cheese, eggs, good salad with toasts.
PT: What do you eat for lunch?
PT: Dinner?
B: Tahina.
PT: What do you like to drink?
B: Orange juice; fresh squeezed myself! Coca Cola,
water, hot drinks; coffee and herbal tea.
A pomegranate juice vendor in Tzfat.
PT: It's 2 am. You're drunk. What are you eating?
B: Toast with cheese.
PT: If you were cooking dinner for just yourself, what would you make?
B: A hamburger. Tahina.
PT: What is something "unusual" that you like to eat?
B: Hummus with yellow cheese. Chocolate with tahina.
PT: What are your favourite ingredients?
B: Cumin, rice, chicken breasts, tahina, good salad with
lots of onion and garlic, olive oil, tomato sauce
PT: What is something interesting you've tried while traveling?
B: Waffles in Amsterdam.
PT: What is the best thing you can remember eating?
B: On kibbutz, with my friend Nitzan. We had a big chunk of steak, cooked it over fire and ate it in little cuts.

PT: You're throwing a party! What are you serving?
B: Bamba, Bissli, Coke, Arak, tahina…snacks.
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